- Characterisation and modelling of a compact multiwavelength ringlaser
E.A.J.M. Bente, Y. Barbarin, J.H. den Besten, J.J.M. Binsma, M.K. Smit
- Eigenmode Modelling of Photonic Crystals Devices
P. Bienstman, L. Vanholme, R. Baets
- A novel narrow-band wavelength-tunable laser system delivering high-energy 300 ps pulses in the near-infrared
F. Brandi, I. Velchev, D. Neshev, W. Hogervorst, W. Ubachs
- Design and implementation of a free-space optical datacom laser-link: a photonics education project for Electrical Engineers
L. Desmet, M. Vervaeke, V. Baukens, H. Thienpont
- Ultrafast refractive-index dynamics in a multi-quantum well semiconductor optical amplifier
H.J.S. Dorren, X. Yang, D. Lenstra, H. de Waardt, G.D. Khoe, T. Simoyama, H. Ishikawa, H. Kawashima, T. Hasama
- Realization of POLIS components: Waveguides, LEDs and Detectors
U. Khalique, Y.C. Zhu, J.J.G.M. van der Tol, F. Karouta, E.-J. Geluk, T.J. Eijkemans, J.E.M. Haverkort, H.H. Tan, C. Jagadish
- Wavelength Switching of Semiconductor Tunable Lasers — How to Suppress Thermally Induced Wavelength Drift
B. Moeyersoon, J. Wittebolle, G. Morthier, R. Baets
- Towards subwavelength optical detection using waveguides
S.F. Pereira, J.A. de Pooter, M. de Haan, J.J.M. Braat
- Passband flattened interleaver using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with ring resonator fabricated in SiON waveguide technology
C.H.G. Roeloffzen, R.M. de Ridder, G. Sengo, K. Wörhoff, A. Driessen
- Symmetry-breaking and high-frequency periodic oscillations in mutually coupled semiconductor lasers
F. Rogister, J. Garcia-Ojalvo
- Creation and Annihilation of Optical Phase Singularities
H.F. Schouten, T.D. Visser, D. Lenstra, H. Blok
- Bifurcation study of regular pulse packages in laser diodes subject to optical feedback
A. Tabaka, M. Sciamanna, I. Veretennicoff, K. Panajotov
- All-optical 10-GHz Clock Recovery from 160 Gbit/s OTDM Signals using a Mode-Locked Fibre Ring Laser
J.P. Turkiewicz, E. Tangdiongga, G.D. Khoe, H. de Waardt
- Multi-channel optical intra-chip interconnections based on free-space modules: towards manufacturable solutions
M. Vervaeke, C. Debaes, H. Ottevaere, P. Tuteleers, W. Meeus, M. Brunfaut, J. Van Campenhout, H. Thienpont
- Twin Photons from Small Quantum Dots
P.M. Visser, K. Allaart, D. Lenstra
- Applying Intelligent Optical Networking Functionality in the Deployment of the Next-Generation Internet
Q. Yan, D. Colle, B. Puype, S. De Maesschalck, I. Lievens, M. Pickavet, P. Demeester
- Controlled Polarization Switching in VCSELs by means of Asymmetric Current Injection
L.M. Augustin, E. Smalbrugge, F. Karouta, K.D. Choquette, G. Verschaffelt, R.C. Strijbos, E.-J. Geluk, T.G. van de Roer, H. Thienpont
- Modeling of an optical memory based on tunable lasers suitable for optical integrated circuits
E.A.J.M. Bente, S. Haffouz, M.K. Smit
- Combined Gamma and Neutron Radiation Effects on VCSELs
F. Berghmans, M. Van Uffelen, M. Decréton
- Development of a Stacked-Pulse Ringdown Cavity for Spectroscopy on Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
E.W. Bogaart, J.E.M. Haverkort, T. Mano, R. Nötzel, J.H. Wolter
- Out-of-plane scattering at sidewall roughness in photonic crystal slabs
W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, R. Baets
- Fabrication of Polymeric Multimode Waveguides and Devices in SU-8 Photoresist Using Selective Polymerization
A. Borreman, S. Musa, A.A.M. Kok, M.B.J. Diemeer, A. Driessen
- `Hexagon-type’ photonic crystal slabs based on SOI
C.G. Bostan, R.M. de Ridder
- Feasibilty of DWDM-upgraded PON for FTTBusiness and demonstrator
C. Bouchat, C. Dessauvages, F. Fredricx, P. Vetter
- Measurements and Analysis of a Monolithical Integrated All-Optical Wavelength Converter and a 4-Channel Digitally Tunable Laser
R.G. Broeke, J.J.M. Binsma, M. van Geemert, F. Heinrichsdorff, T. van Dongen, J.H.C. van Zantvoort, E.J.M. Verdurmen, E. Tangdiongga, X.J.M. Leijtens, M.K. Smit
- All-optical header pre-processor based on self-phase modulation in a semiconductor optical amplifier
N. Calabretta, M.T. Hill, Y. Liu, H. de Waardt, G.D. Khoe, H.J.S. Dorren
- Polarisation Behavior and Mode Structure of Elliptical Surface Relief VCSELs
M. Camarena, G. Verschaffelt, M.-C. Moreno, L. Desmet, H.J. Unold, R. Michalzik, H. Thienpont, J. Danckaert, I. Veretennicoff, K. Panajotov
- A 10 Gb/s traveling wave MZ-Modulator on InP
D. Caprioli, J.H. den Besten, R. van Dijk, F.E. Vliet, W. Pascher, J.J.M. Binsma, E. Smalbrugge, T. de Vries, X.J.M. Leijtens, M.K. Smit
- Stochastic dynamics of polarisation switching in VCSELs
J. Danckaert, M. Peeters, C. Mirasso, M. San Miguel
- Direct optical injection of precise clock edges into standard CMOS circuits with short optical pulses
C. Debaes, A. Bhatnagar, D. Agarwal, H. Thienpont, D.A.B. Miller
- Nonlinear behavior of multi-excitonic recombinations in quantum dots
F.P.J. de Groote, T. van Lippen, J.E.M. Haverkort, R. Nötzel, J.H. Wolter
- Simulation and Design of a 40 GHz Mach-Zehnder modulator on InP
J.H. den Besten, D. Caprioli, W. Pascher, R. van Dijk, X.J.M. Leijtens, M.K. Smit
- Increasing the functionality of free-space micro-optical intra-chip modules with DOE’s: towards reconfigurable photonic interconnects
L. Desmet, A. Sagan, W. Grabowski, R. Buczynski, H. Thienpont
- Experimental characterisation of 670 nm red VCSELs
L. Desmet, K. Panajotov, J. Schwartz, R. Butendeich, T. Ballmann, F. Kolb,
- Scalability of an All-optical Multiwavelength Slotted-ring Metropolian Area Network
D. Dey, A.M.J. Koonen, A.C. van Bochove
- Multi-parameter force sensing with fiber Bragg grating sensors
A. Fernandez Fernandez, H. Ottevaere, C. Van Ierschot, K. Panajatov,
- Optical memory effect in Si:Er
M. Forcales, T. Gregorkiewicz
- Observation of a comb-like spectrum with a passively self-Q-switched Er-doped fiber laser
A.A. Fotiadi, P. Mégret, M. Blondel
- Thermal Tuneable, Wide FSR Switch based on Micro-ring Resonators
D.H. Geuzebroek, E.J. Klein, H. Kelderman, F.S. Tan, D.J.W. Klunder, A. Driessen
- Mask-less epitaxial lateral overgrown MOVPE GaN layers on Si (111) substrates
S. Haffouz, A. Grzegorczyk, P.R. Hageman, P.K. Larsen, P. Vennéguës, E.W.J.M. van der Drift
- New concept for a co-directional polarization insensitive SOA-based wavelength converter
R. Hanfoug, J.J.G.M. van der Tol
- Stimulated THz emission from resonant intra-center optical pumped Si:P and Si:Bi
J.N. Hovenier, T.O. Klaassen, R.Kh. Zhukavin, D.M. Gaponova, A.V. Muravjov, E.E. Orlova, V.N. Shastin, S.G. Pavlov, H.-W. Hübers, H. Riemann, A.F.G. van der Meer
- Experimental assessment of the gating functionality of a TOAD operating at 1310 nm in high speed OTDM systems
R.J.W. Jonker, R.C. Schimmel, H. de Waardt
- Optical manipulation of excitation paths in RE-doped semiconductors
M.A.J. Klik, T. Gregorkiewicz
- Photo-induced switching of microwave and millimeter-wave signals on coplanar waveguides
G. Koers, G. Poesen, P. Simon, J.-P. Raskin, J. Stiens, I. Huynen, R. Vounckx
- Mode Group Diversity Multiplexing for Multi-service In-house Networks using Multi-mode Polymer Optical Fibre
A.M.J. Koonen, H.P.A. van den Boom, F. Willems, J. Bergmans, G.D. Khoe
- Vectorial mode characterization of microstructured optical fibers
R. Kotynski, T. Nasilowski, H. Thienpont
B. Lannoo, J. Cheyns, E. Van Breusegem, A. Ackaert, M.
- Degree of entanglement between excitons in two quantum dots in a cavity
G.-x. Li, K. Allaart, D. Lenstra
- All-Optical Flip-Flop Memory by Using two coupled Polarization Switches
Y. Liu, M.T. Hill, N. Calabretta, H. de Waardt, G.D. Khoe, D. Lenstra, H.J.S. Dorren
- 2D simulations of various compact spot-size converters
B. Luyssaert, P. Bienstman, R. Baets
- M-ary (D)PSK modulation in coherence multiplex systems
A. Meijerink, G. Heideman, W. van Etten
- Third harmonic generation of a cw laser frequency in external enhancement cavities
J. Mes, R. Zinkstok, S. Witte, E.J. van Duijn, W. Hogervorst
- Low Cost Polymer Optical Fibre based Transmission System for Feeding Integrated Broadband Wireless In-House LANs
A. Ng’oma, A.M.J. Koonen, I. Tafur Monroy, H.P.A. van den Boom, P. Smulders, G.D. Khoe
- Comparative study of glass and plastic refractive microlenses and their fabrication techniques
H. Ottevaere, H. Thienpont
- Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers in a non-linear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
E.A. Patent, J.J.G.M. van der Tol, R.G. Broeke, J.J.M. Binsma
- Semiconductor lasers for mid- and far-infrared frequency ranges based on intracenter transitions
S.G. Pavlov, H.-W. Hübers, R.Kh. Zhukavin, V.N. Shastin
- Infrared communication channel optimization for quasi-diffuse multi-spot wireless indoor networking
M.M. Piñeiro, M. Stassen, S.B. Colak
- Electrorefraction in Quantum Dots
R. Prasanth, J.E.M. Haverkort, J.H. Wolter
- Performance comparison of the cascaded MZI based OCDMA system using multimode and singlemode fibers
I. Radovanovic, W. van Etten
- Measurement of the distributed Raman Gain spectrum in single-mode optical fibers
G. Ravet, M. Wuilpart, J.-C. Froidure, M. Blondel, P. Mégret
- Saddle-node ghost induced low-frequency fluctuations in an external-cavity laser diode
F. Rogister, P. Mégret, M. Blondel
- Characterisation and modelling of the noise figure (NF) of a praseodymium doped fibre amplifier (PDFA)
R.C. Schimmel, R.J.W. Jonker, H. de Waardt
- Characterisation and modelling of a Distributed Raman Amplifier (DRA) in an OTDM/WDM system
R.C. Schimmel, P.D. van Voorst, H. de Waardt
- Fabrication of low optical losses Al2O3 layer used for Er3+-doped integrated optical amplifiers
G. Shuyi, B. Doctor, D.J.W. Klunder, L.T.H. Hilderink, K. Wörhoff
- Theoretical analysis of a polarisation switching VCSEL used as a Doppler velocimeter
M.C. Soriano, J. Albert, I. Veretennicoff, K. Panajotov
- Combined IM/FSK Modulation Format for Payload/Orthogonal Label of IP Packets in WDM Networks
Sulur, A.M.J. Koonen, H. de Waardt, I. Tafur Monroy
- High capacity WDM transmission in the 1310 nm wavelength domain for the RETINA network purposes
J.P. Turkiewicz, E. Tangdiongga, H. de Waardt
- Replication of Refractive and Diffractive Micro Opto-mechanical Components via Vacuum Casting and Hot Embossing
P. Tuteleers, M. Heckele, A. Hermanne, H. Thienpont
- A Rate Equation Model for Self-Pulsing Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers
G. Van der Sande, K. Panajotov, I. Veretennicoff, J. Danckaert
- Ferromagnetic-metal-based InGaAs(P)/InP optical waveguide isolator: electrical and magneto-optical characterisation
M. Vanwolleghem, W. Van Parys, S. Verstuyft, R. Wirix-Speetjens, L. Lagae, J. De Boeck, R. Baets
- Characterization of an All Optical Label Swapping Node for IP over WDM
E.J.M. Verdurmen, F.M. Huijskens, A.M.J. Koonen, H. de Waardt, I. Tafur Monroy
- Theoretical and experimental study of laser turn-on delay in a GigaPON system with pre-biasing bits
D. Verhulst, Y.C. Yi, J. Bauwelinck, X.Z. Qiu, S. Verschuere, Z. Lou, J. Vandewege
- The fabrication of 2D fibre alignment µ-optic structures using Deep Lithography with Protons
B. Volckaerts, H. Ottevaere, R. Krajewski, J. Watté, D. Daems, A. Hermanne, H. Thienpont
- Beam monitoring enhances Deep Proton Lithography: towards high-quality micro-optical components
P. Vynck, B. Volckaerts, M. Vervaeke, H. Ottevaere, P. Tuteleers, L. Cosentino, P. Finocchiaro, A. Pappalardo, A. Hermanne, H. Thienpont
- Phase-shift stabilization of 500 Gbit/s ultra-short optical pulses in a semiconductor optical amplifier by Manchester encoding
X. Yang, D. Lenstra, G.D. Khoe, H.J.S. Dorren
- Multi-longitudinal-mode dynamics in twin-stripe lasers
M. Yousefi, D. Lenstra