ISBN 978-90-386-3512-5
- High power ultrafast VECSELs and MIXSELs
B.W. Tilma, C.A. Zaugg, M. Mangold, S.M. Link, A. Klenner, M. Golling, U. Keller - Characterisation of wavelength tuneable lasers for use in coherent burst/packet switched networks employing spectrally efficient modulation formats
L.P. Barry, A.J. Walsh, T. Huynh, K. Shi, J. Mountjoy, A. Fagan, A.D. Ellis - The Art and Science of Packaging High-Coupling Photonics Devices and Modules
W.-H. Cheng
- ASPIC and Packaging solutions for demanding industrial applications, an overview
R. Evenblij, P. Kat - Germanium-on-Silicon Mid-infrared Photonic Integrated Circuits
A. Malik, M. Muneeb, S. Pathak, Y. Shimura, J. Van Campenhout, R. Loo, G. Roelkens - Delivering 10 Gb/s optical data with picosecond timing accuracy over 75 km distance
N. Sotiropoulos, C.M. Okonkwo, R. Nuijts, H. de Waardt, J.C.J. Koelemeij - Improving single mode transmission peformance using few-mode fibers and space-time coding
R.G.H. van Uden, C.M. Okonkwo, H. Chen, H. de Waardt, A.M.J. Koonen - Graphene plasmonics: Tunable coupling with nano-cavities
G. Rosolen, B. Maes - Characterization of silicon micro-ring resonators
W.J. Westerveld, J.M. Pozo, S.M. Leinders, M. Yousefi, H.P. Urbach
- Colloidal PbS Quantum Dot Photodetectors for Short-wave Infrared applications
C. Hu, A. Gassenq, E.M.P. Ryckeboer, Y. Justo, Z. Hens, G. Roelkens - Monolithically Integrated InGaAsP/InP Active-Passive 8×8 Cross-Connect
R. Stabile, A. Rohit, K.A. Williams - Raman Spectroscopy using photonic waveguides
A. Dhakal, P. Wuytens, F. Peyskens, A.Z. Subramanian, N. Le Thomas, R. Baets - Full Rate-equation Description of Multi-mode Semiconductor Lasers
D. Lenstra, M. Yousefi - Monolithic Integration of a InP Nano-laser on (001) Si Substrate
Z. Wang, B. Tian, M. Paladugu, M. Pantouvaki, C. Merckling, W. Guo, J. Dekoster, J. Van Campenhout, D. Van Thourhout - Progress report on on-wafer testing of Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs)
E. Bitincka, M.K. Smit
- Board-level single-mode polymer optical waveguides
A. Elmogi, E. Bosman, S. Kalathimekkad, N. Teigell Beneitez, R. Guindi, J. Missinne, G. Van Steenberge - SOI and InP based on-chip 3×3 interferometers for wavelength interrogation
S.M.C. Abdulla, B.M. de Boer, J.M. Pozo, D.M.R. Lo Cascio, P.J. Harmsma - Localization and quantification of reflective events along an optical fiber using a Two-Wavelength Transmission-Reflection-Analysis (TRA)
M. Cen, P. Mégret, J. Chen, V. Moeyart, M. Wuilpart - Reduction of bend losses in polymer waveguides by thin metallic layers
M.A. Sefünç, A. Pace, M. Dijkstra, G. Sengo, S.M. García-Blanco - Long wavelength generic components in COBRA platform
H. Rabbani Haghighi, D. D’Agostino, P.J. van Veldhoven, P. Thijs, H.P.M.M. Ambrosius, M.K. Smit
- Novel pure-optical test-on-wafer technique based on a Point Reflector Optical Waveguide
D. Melati, F. Morichetti, F.M. Soares, N. Grote, A. Melloni - Measurements of integrated mode-locked laser for laser library development
V. Moskalenko, M.K. Smit, E.A.J.M. Bente - Tunable two color emission in a compact semiconductor ring laser with filtered feedback
M. Khoder, R.M. Nguimdo, J. Danckaert, X.J.M. Leijtens, J. Bolk, G. Verschaffelt - A Monolithically Integrated Tunable Single Longitudinal Mode Extended Cavity Ring Laser using Intracavity Mach-Zehnder Interferometers
S. Latkowski, T. De Vries, L. Augustin, M.K. Smit, E.A.J.M. Bente - DMT based Multi-Gbit/s Communication in Indoor Optical Networks using R-SOA
N. Mehta, E. Tangdiongga, A.M.J. Koonen
- Optomechanically actuated slot cantilever for mass sensing
J. Håkansson, D. Van Thourhout - Experimental refutation of a class of quantum epistemic models
L. Olislager, F. Duport, J. Safioui, M.K. Patra, S. Pironio, S. Massar - Dual polarization biosensing with SOI microring
J.-W. Hoste, S. Werquin, P. Bienstman - Study of etched polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings for ethanol vapor sensing
X. Hu, Chao Zhang, D. Kinet, M. Debliquy, P. Mégret, C. Caucheteur - Simultaneous 1.5 Gbps Multilink Indoor Optical Wireless System Using Diffractive Optics
C.W. Oh, E. Tangdiongga, A.M.J. Koonen - Integrated dual-wavelength AWG lasers for sub-terahertz wave generation
A. Corradi, G. Carpintero, M.K. Smit, E.A.J.M. Bente
- Nanoplasmonic enhancement of Raman signals by a bowtie antenna on a silicon nitride waveguide
F. Peyskens, A.Z. Subramanian, A. Dhakal, N. Le Thomas, R. Baets - Parallel Optical Delay Detector for Angle-of-arrival Measurement of a Microwave Signal with Accuracy Monitoring
Z. Cao, H.P.A. van den Boom, E. Tangdiongga, A.M.J. Koonen - Fast Phase Shifted asymmetrical DFB laser for ultrafast all-optical flip-flop operation
A. Abbasi, S. Keyvaninia, G. Roelkens, G. Morthier - Shaping sub-wavelength plasmonic funnels
N. Rivolta, B. Maes - Modeling of a phosphor plate in a white phosphor-converted remote-phosphor LED
P. Acuña, S. Leyre, J. Audenaert, G. Deconinck, Y. Meuret, P. Hanselaer - Microwave Modeling and Analysis of an InP based Phase Shifter from a Generic Foundry Process
W. Yao, G. Gilardi, M.K. Smit, M.J. Wale
- Thermal Crosstalk reduction in InP based Photonic Integrated Circuits
G. Gilardi, W. Yao, X.J.M. Leijtens, M.K. Smit, M.J. Wale - Design of MEMS tunable mid-infrared VCSEL integrated on the SOI platform
R. Wang, D. Sanchez, S. Kumari, R. Baets, G. Roelkens - Investigation of Carbon Doped Amorphous Silicon, an Alternative Material for All-Optical Signal Processing for On-Chip SOI PICs
P.K. Pal, G. Morthier - C\textsubscript {60}-assisted electron-beam lithography for loss reduction in InP membrane waveguides
Y. Jiao, J. Pello, E. Smalbrugge, E.J. Geluk, M.K. Smit, J.J.G.M. van der Tol - Reflective Arrayed Waveguide Grating with flattened response
E. Kleijn, M.K. Smit, X.J.M. Leijtens - Colloidal Quantum Dot Silicon Nitride Platform
Y. Zhu, W. Xie, S. Verstuyft, T. Aubert, Z. Hens, D. Van Thourhout - Fabrication and characterization of a wet-etched InP-based vertical coupling mirror
R. Santos, D. D’Agostino, F.M. Soares, H. Rabbani Haghighi, M.K. Smit, X.J.M. Leijtens - Ferrule-top optical fibre sensor for the measurement of magnetic fields
M. Aerssens, G. Gruca, A. Gusarov, V. Massaut, P. Mégret, D. Iannuzzi, M. Wuilpart
- Test structures for SOA gain and absorption measurement
D. Pustakhod, M.K. Smit, X.J.M. Leijtens - Manipulating optical qubits in the frequency domain
L. Olislager, E. Woodhead, K. Phan Huy, J.-M. Merolla, P. Emplit, S. Massar - Design and simulation of a high bandwidth optical modulator for IMOS technology based on slot-waveguide with electro-optical polymer
A. Millán-Mejía, J.J.G.M. van der Tol, M.K. Smit - A new zero-level package approach for receiver modules
P. Duan, O. Raz, E. Smalbrugge, H.J.S. Dorren - Towards densely integrated lasers for optical data communication
A. Higuera-Rodriguez, D. Heiss, A. Fiore, M.K. Smit - Spatial polarization domain-wall in colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals
M. Swaelens, S.-P. Gorza, P. Kockaert, S. Coen, M. Haelterman - Design of a Uni-Traveling-Carrier (UTC) photodetector in InP Membrane on Silicon (IMOS)
L. Shen, J.J.G.M. van der Tol, G. Roelkens, M.K. Smit - Optimization of fiber Bragg grating physical parameters for polarization-assisted transverse strain measurements
F. Descamps, S. Bette, C. Caucheteur - Uniform planarization technique for the realization of a twin-guide membrane laser
S.P. Bhat, L. Fernandez, J.J.G.M. van der Tol, G. Roelkens, H.P.M.M. Ambrosius, M.K. Smit - SOI lattice filters design framework: from functional parameters to layout
A. Ruocco, D. Van Thourhout, W. Bogaerts - Improving organic photovoltaic cell efficiency with enhanced exciton dissociation by incorporating local field enhancement of sub-bandgap infrared light
T.A. Hendriks, M.A. Sefünç, L.J.A. Koster, S.M. García-Blanco - Silicon Nitride based high contrast grating for heterogeneously integrated tunable VCSELs
S. Kumari, R. Wang, D. Sanchez, J. Gustavsson, R. Safaisini, A. Haglund, J. Bengtsson, A. Larsson, G. Roelkens, R. Baets - Optical radiative cross-talk in photonic integrated circuits
D. Melati, F. Morichetti, G.G. Gentili, M. Achouche, D. Lanteri, H. Debregeas, F.M. Soares, N. Grote, A. Melloni
- Guided waves in hyperbolic media
N.J. Schilder, H.P. Urbach - Fabrication technology of metal-cavity nanolasers in III-V membranes on silicon
V. Dolores-Calzadilla, E.J. Geluk, T. de Vries, E. Smalbrugge, P.J. van Veldhoven, H.P.M.M. Ambrosius, D. Heiss, A. Fiore, M.K. Smit - Towards High-Density Space Division Multiplexed Transmission Systems
C.M. Okonkwo, R.G.H. van Uden, H. de Waardt, A.M.J. Koonen - Dynamic routing in a resonant switch matrix
P. DasMahapatra, R. Stabile, A. Rohit, K.A. Williams - WDM Modulator circuit for High Energy Physics Applications
D. Gajanana, M.G. van Beuzekom, M.K. Smit, X.J.M. Leijtens - An InP based generic photonic integration platform for Photonic Integrated Circuits operating up to 2 µm wavelength
D. D’Agostino, S. Latkowski, H. Rabbani Haghighi, E. Kleijn, E.A.J.M. Bente, H.P.M.M. Ambrosius, M.K. Smit - Robust Optimization of 2×2 Multimode Interference Coupler Affected by Parametric Uncertainties
S.U. Rehman, M. Langelaar, F. van Keulen - Optical memory operation of two semiconductor ring lasers coupled by a single waveguide
G. Van der Sande, W. Coomans, L. Gelens - Nonmagnetic transformation optics for two-dimensional photonic devices
S. Viaene, V. Ginis, P. Tassin, J. Danckaert - Single contact double-waveguide SOAs in AWG-based lasers fabricated on InP generic photonic integration platform
K. Ławniczuk, M.J. Wale, P. Szczepański, R. Piramidowicz, M.K. Smit, X.J.M. Leijtens - Wavelength-driven positioning of a trapped particle on a photonic crystal waveguide
M.M. van Leest, J. Caro - On-chip Raman spectroscopy with a Triplex dual-waveguide trap
M.J. Boerkamp, J.T. Heldens, T. van Leest, A. Leinse, M. Hoekman, R. Heideman, J. Caro - Design and performance of a packaged InP wavelength meter
R.G. Broeke, D. Melati, F. Morichetti - Scalable Optical Switch System with Optical Flow Control for Flat Datacenter Architecture
W. Miao, S. Di Lucente, J. Luo, H.J.S. Dorren, N. Calabrett