Invited Speakers:
- Dr Alessia Pasquazi, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, UK. Talk title: “Microcombs Based on Laser Cavity Solitons”
- Prof. Christophe Caloz, ESAT-WaveCore, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Talk title: “Metamaterial magnetless nonreciprocity”
- Dr Silvia Soria, IFA-CNR Institute of Applied Physics, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy. Talk title: “Whispering Gallery Mode Microresonators: from rainbow and phonon lasers to sensors”
- Prof. François Leo, University of Brussels (ULB), Belgium. Talk title: “Solitons in coherently driven active cavities”

Optical Sensors:
Cancer cells detection using multiresonant optical fiber biosensors
M. Loyez, UMONS
A Compound optical microresonator design for self-referencing and multiplexed refractive index sensing
C. Lu, H. Nikbakht, VUA
Thin Silicon Nitride Metalens with long focal length for integrated optical sensors
D. De Vocht, TUEindhoven

Photonics integration:
Comparison between black box and gray box strategies for configuration of feedforward waveguide meshes
Y. Zhang, UGhent
Towards the Photonic Integration of Titanium Dioxide-on-Silicon for Datacom and Telecom Application
M. Mukit, TUEindhoven
PZT based MEMS actuators for photonic integration
I. Ansari, UGhent
Neural network & reservoir computing:
Optical 4F Correlator for Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Networks
E.W.R. Schultz, TUEindhoven
Modeling a Spiking Optical Neuron using normalized Yamada Rate Equations
L. Puts, TUEindhoven
Scalability Analysis of the SOA-based All-optical Deep Neural Network
Bin Shi, TUEindhoven
The Wavelength Dimension in Waveguide-Based Photonic Reservoir Computing
E. Gooskens, UGent
Waveguides & fibers:
Second butt joint for low loss waveguides
A. Volpini, SMART Photonics
Production of optical waveguide in planar glass substrate fabricated with femtoprint
M.Tunon de Lara, UMONS-ULB
Self-aligned flexible waveguides for interfacing flipchip assembled InP photonic integrated circuits on SiN
W. Tian, TUEindhoven
Directly modulated lasers on InP membrane platform: design and simulation
A. Zozulia, TUEindhoven
Investigation into linewidth reduction of InP DBR lasers with an intra cavity ring resonator
R. Jones, TUEindhoven
Unifying PIC laser simulation and mask layout: a new methodology demonstrated on a mode-locked-laser design
D. Massella, TUEindhoven
Frequency stabilization of a hybrid-integrated InP-Si3N4 diode laser by locking to a fiber ring resonator
L. V. Winkler, UTwente
Posters (odd numbers):
1. Resonant Waveguide vs Fabry-Perot Cavity: A Comparative Study for CMOS Spectral Sensor Technology
Fatima Omeis
3. FBG responses to polarization, SRI, temperature, and strain in silica-based multimode graded-index fiber
Ying-Gang Nan
5. Low-loss inverted tapered edge coupler for aluminium oxide waveguides
W.A.P.M. Hendriks
7. Photonic chip based biosensing system with fully automatic alignment and parallel detection capability
L. Chang
9. A new analysis method towards highly sensitive plasmonic fiber sensors.
Hadrien Fasseaux
11. Cancer biomarker detection using plasmonic optical fiber grating biosensor
Maxime Lobry
13. Gain simulation of erbium-doped Al2O3 waveguide amplifiers for LiDAR applications
C.E. Osornio-Martínez
15. Study of Gold nanoparticles In Situ Synthesis
María Elena Martínez-Hernández
17. Study of UFMC outdoor Visible Light Communication systems with realistic LED radiation patterns and comparison with OFDM
Véronique Georlette
19. A platform for fast and affordable prototyping of photonic integrated circuits
H. Nikbakht
21. Assessment of the effect of vibration applied to the ITER FOCS in the cryostat bridge
Sung-Moon Kim
23. AlInGaAs MQW laser layerstacks for the InP generic integration platform
M. Zyskowski
25. Low stress Si3N4 waveguides on sapphire substrate
K. Wang
27. 2 Gb/s Receiver for Indoor Optical Wireless Communication with Alignment-free
N. Q. Pham
29. Photonic-Integrated and Highly-Scalable FMCW LiDAR Concept based on Titled Grating Couplers
Vahram Voskerchyan
31. Design of a Wavelength-Meter with Measurement Range up to 100nm and 8 pm precision
Andrea Volpini
33. Low-Loss Reactive Sputter Coated Titanium Oxide Waveguides
Alvaro Aguirre Fontenla
37. Monolithically integrated InP optical 90° hybrid
H. O. Cirkinoglu
39. Circuit and netlist validation in Nazca Design for mask layout
Marco Passoni
43. Waveguide width effect on increasing the Mach-Zehnder Modulators bandwidth
A. Meighan
47. Process Design Kits with Open Standards
D. Pustakhod
49. A study of the grating length, the UV energy, and the heating ramp rate on the FBGs regeneration processes
N. Safari Yazd
53. Two-step transfer printed single mode DFB laser on LN
I. Luntadila Lufungula
55. Smart Interrogation of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
C. Finet
Posters (even numbers):
2. Polymer Fiber Bragg Grating Inscription using Phase Mask and 400 nm Femtosecond Laser
Ying-Gang Nan
4. Generalized Hybrid Model for Extended Cavity Mode-Locked Laser Diodes
Stijn Cuyvers
6. Janus-yarn based dual-mode fabric for radiative heat management
Alice De Corte
10. Coherent FMCW LiDAR system Modelling for Advance Driving Assistance System
Yu Tian
12. Temperature-induced stochastic resonance in time-modulated Kerr nonlinear photonic cavities
Bertrand Braeckeveldt
14. Experimental analysis of the dynamic behaviour of FBG temperature sensors
T. Carlesi
16. Enhanced absorption distribution in butt-coupled UTC-PDs by means of dual optical injection
J.P. de Graaf
18. Taper Designs for shallow-to-deep etch transitions on InP membrane platform
Rui Ma
20. Novel tuning algorithm for continuous and widely tunable integrated lasers
Tasfia Kabir
26. Resonant tunneling diodes on InGaAs for monolithic integration with optoelectronic devices
E. D. Malysheva
28. Fast reconfigurable optical network with edge data center nodes for low-latency 5G applications
H. Santana
32. Sputter coated AlN waveguides for visible and UV wavelengths
S. Mardani
34. An O-band polarization-insensitive SOA building block for SOA-based Optical switches in IMOS Platform
Desalegn Wolde Feyisa
36. The impact of relative humidity on transmission properties of CYTOP polymer optical fiber
Ivan Chapalo
38. Demonstration of hybrid design and simulation of a low-linewidth laser combining InP and SiN platforms
S. J. P. van Uden
40. Impact of phase and amplitude variations in the performance of an InP optical phased array
M. Gagino
42. Efficient thermo-optic phase modulators on indium phosphide membrane
Yi Wang
44. Feasibility study of integrated tunable laser with intra-cavity linear phase modulator for FMCW LiDAR
Limeng Zhang
48. Antibody-based optical grating biosensor for cancer diagnosis (CANCELED)
Evert Jan Bomhof
52. Integrated optical leaky wave antenna for 1D optical phased arrays in LiDAR
L. Van Iseghem
54. Half-coated Tilted Fiber Bragg Gratings for Refractive Index Measurement
T.-B. Zhu