Symposium Proceedings 2019

Symposium Proceedings 2019

Invited Speakers: Prof. Laura Lechuga, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain​. Talk title: “Nanophotonic Biosensor Platforms for ultrasensitive clinical diagnostics at the point-of-care” Prof. Liam Barry, Dublin City University, Ireland. Talk...

Microwave Photonic System Engineer at LioniX

Microwave Photonic System Engineer at LioniX Job description As microwave photonic system engineer you are responsible for the system design, functional design and characterization of integrated microwave photonic systems Integrated microwave photonic system design...

PhD student for Photonic Integrated Circuitry

Photonic Integrated Circuitry for Ultra-high Capacity Indoor Radio/Optical Wireless Communications Eindhoven University of Technology Dept. of Electrical Engineering – Electro-Optical Communication Systems (ECO) group Closing date: January 31, 2016 Contact person: Dr....

Mailing list

At this moment we have two active mailing lists. Mailing list [info] and mailing list [student]. The [info] mailing list is for information about activities of the Benelux chapter of the IEEE/LEOS. The [student] mailing list is for messages specific to the (PhD)...
Symposium Proceedings 2018

Symposium Proceedings 2018

Plenary Speakers: Dr. Hiroki Takesue, NTT Corporation, Japan Prof. Delphine Marris-Morini, Université Paris-Sud, France Prof. Kyriacos Kalli, Cypres University of Technology, Cypres Prof. Roberto Morandotti, INRS-EMT, Canada Waveguides and fibers: Effect of...